delighted to hear this week that BBC Radio 4 have commissioned the next series for next year - the commissioning process takes ages and usually by the time a play or a drama gets scheduled one has (if one is honest) somewhat lost interest. i am delighted to say though that "one has not lost interest" here - in fact can't wait to sit down and start writing. actually, of course, i have already started. i sort of thought they couldn't possibly not commission another series and even if they didn't i would write it as a novel anyway.... this one is to be a paralleloquel - neither a prequel nor a sequel. just the parallel story of Professor Tony, the mathematics professor Sarah eventually met online (after a lot of unfortunate incidents....)
anyhow, everyone who has been enquiring about the book of the last series - poor Sarah's adventures online - can now get a copy. download on kindle from amazon and save paper today - or wait until september 1st and order a paperback. meanwhile am off to inverness this weekend to talk about the series and internet dating for the middle-aged in the literary tent at ballydrum music festival. i have packed my wellies...