Sunday, 11 December 2011

St Alfege Advent Calendar - number 11

i used to love advent calendars when i was small.  we had german ones sent by friends of my father in germany and i am afraid i used to cheat.  i couldnt wait 24 days - i always opened the little cardboard windows and then spent hours fixing the little doors shut again so no one knew i had peeped.  well today i got to create a window for real.  number 11.  i have spent so long getting the gallery space ready for opening, and then dreaming up what to do with the window - along the lines of FLING WIDE THE GATES - that i did not do the most important thing:  invite any guests!  no, it never occurred to me!  so when the vicar's wife showed up at 3pm on the dot to photograph all the guests, well, it was a bit embarrassing.  there was me, my hardworking ever-helpful assistant Agnes, and my husband professor parrott, and dog.  but Mrs Moody was not to be defeated.  she simply went out onto the main road thru Greenwich, Trafalgar Road, and summoned people off the street.  and soon the gallery was full and buzzing.  and everyone was very enthusiastic - and ate every last mince pie!  and it proved a great way to meet all the neighbours!  and i had said we weren't selling anything at all but everyone kept insisting on buying playing cards and mugs and christmas cards etc so we are almost out of stock!  our christmas bestseller, the angel rat, flying out the doors!  anyhow, you can see for yourself what a stunning success the afternoon was:

we only open on saturdays so i have a week to make a few more mugs, rats etc   best get started!!

Saturday, 3 December 2011

the green parrot gallery

The Green Parrot Gallery is open at long last - months of painting floors blue and walls white.  Basically this is my workshop with a lovely display space - lots of little goodies and curios for sale. I am having fun! The best thing is i am only open on saturdays - the rest of the time i am working and making things.  And even on saturdays i am working and making things as I have the brilliantly enthusiastic and hardworking Agnes to take care of the shop.  Oh and Miss Maudie (the fox terrier) is usually there too.  We actually sold a Christmas card today...  do come and see for yourselves.  Google Green Parrot Gallery Greenwich and follow directions.   Boat and bicycle best.  Most people have been very enthusiastic - but there was one man this morning who stood outside with two smartly dressed kids looking at everything for ages and i heard him telling them over and over it was "all rubbish"!

Wednesday, 3 August 2011


I have 2 followers - this is sooooo exciting!  I spent this morning etching.  Am tinkering with the new etchings now and will post them soon and invite everyone to come up and see them....

Thinking of Leaving Your Husband?

delighted to hear this week that BBC Radio 4 have commissioned the next series for next year - the commissioning process takes ages and usually by the time a play or a drama gets scheduled one has (if one is honest) somewhat lost interest.  i am delighted to say though that "one has not lost interest" here - in fact can't wait to sit down and start writing.  actually, of course, i have already started.  i sort of thought they couldn't possibly not commission another series and even if they didn't i would write it as a novel anyway....  this one is to be a paralleloquel - neither a prequel nor a sequel.  just the parallel story of Professor Tony, the mathematics professor Sarah eventually met online (after a lot of unfortunate incidents....)
anyhow, everyone who has been enquiring about the book of the last series - poor Sarah's adventures online - can now get a copy.  download on kindle from amazon and save paper today - or wait until september 1st and order a  paperback. meanwhile am off to inverness this weekend to talk about the series and internet dating for the middle-aged in the literary tent at ballydrum music festival.  i have packed my wellies...

Friday, 29 July 2011

Want to know more?

If you want to know more about the cabinet of curiosities you can simply check out the website

Welcome to the wonderful new Blogspot for Charlotte Cory's Cabinet of Curiosities

My school photo....
Everyone seems to post a photograph of their schooldays online, and this is mine...